Episode 26: Trudy Stevens Secrets to a healthy body, Eat the cake, Drink the wine!
Jul 28, 2021Eat the Cake, Drink the Wine!
Ok, so we are all guilty of laying around a lot over the last 18 months and admit it, for a lot of us, the only exercise we got was walking to the fridge for snacks.
Coming out of a pandemic we are either chunks or hunks so here's some tips on getting back into fitness after Covid.
Join personal trainer and fitness instructor Trudy Stevens as we discuss why it's important to move your body and we bust the myth that walking is an effective form of exercise.
Trudy shares the best and safest way to kick start your exercise regime after lockdown. For those who fear the gym, it's okay, Trudy has an awesome home workout for you to try - hint, it includes wine bottles!
Learn how to stay motivated and committed to exercise - your friends have been warned!
I asked the million dollar question, We hear that health is 80% what you eat and 20% exercise, how do we find the perfect balance without exercising 7 days a week and eating like a rabbit?
The best secret, eat the cake, drink the wine!
Put down that chocolate cake and hit play......
Trudy has been a personal trainer and group exercise instructor for over 14 years, and just “LOVES every second of it.”
Originally using her Commerce Degree in a career as a marketing manager for IT companies such as IBM, Optus and Commander – she saw the light and became a qualified personal trainer full time.
In Trudy’s words: “you can’t compare changing someone’s life to writing a marketing plan – the reward and satisfaction of completely re-shaping a client’s body and seeing their whole level of confidence and psyche change, is exactly why I do this”
Learn more about Trudy and also grab one of her books here